About Us

Posted by Gary Pai  •  Filed under About Us

We are Gary Pai and Chun-Yuan Chiu. This is a website that we can show you our ability of Financial Math. We have seen there are a lot of Financial Math websites. Some of them only show algorithms of derivative pricing; some of them put source code or .xls files on their website; some of them have pricing interface but with limit options. However none of them offer a lot of calculators with a decent interface. Our goal is have calculators for those derivatives with solutions in published papers, no matter the solution is numerical or analytical.

Tagged: Financal Math, Mathematical Finance,Financial Engineering,Option Calculator

 •  Dec 18, 2012  • 

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Why this website?

This website, QuantCalc, offers varied financial math calculators, calibration methods and arbitrage strategies. The reason why we develop QuantCalc is that we hope our ability of pricing, calibration and arbitraging can be seen by World. Please contact us if you want to see some specific method or strategy to be implemented on QuantCalc.


Please contact us if you have any suggestion.


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